Saturday, September 1, 2012

Considering the future

Well, I went to the mountains for a couple days after quitting my job to relax and consider my options. Something I noticed is the first part of the time I was up there I kept thinking about what I had done. I thought about it a while before I made the decision to quit my why am I still thinking about it? That's when I realized, I'm not accomplishing anything by dwelling on it. So I made the decision to stop dwelling on the past and start focusing on the future. What's done is done....time to move on. You can't see the future if your looking at the past. Once I got that in my head. I started considering my options.
   I find that being in this kind of situation can be scary, and it's easy to become negative and start to lose hope. Hope is our shield against this uncertain world...we must not lose it. So I will take one day at a time because all we have is right now. Yesterday is gone, and tomorrow is uncertain. So I must live in the moment. I still haven't made a decision on what to do to earn a living...but I have a few ideas. After I have a better grip on ways to make money I will do a post on it. Right now I will focus on selling my few remaining possession's and the motor home. Then go from there.

I will leave you with some photos of my excursion to the mountains....enjoy.

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