Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Starting my new life: The beginning

The beginning,

I have been dreaming of starting a new life of a nomad. Living in my vehicle and just moving as the wind with no destination. I have been doing research and talking to others who do it trying to make the best choices for success. I have learned a lot, but I will always be learning more.
I am not retired and don't have a lot of savings, so I need to earn a living along the way. This seems to be the biggest obstacle to over come in this lifestyle. It is one I am still figuring out. I will be in the US for the most part. Traveling south for the winter and north for the summer.

Today I made the big decision that sets my new life in motion...I quit my job. With little savings and a lot of unanswered questions, this is both scary and exciting. I have been living in my truck for two months now stealth parking and working during the week, and camping in the mountains on the weekend. I guess my weekends just got longer.

I have thought this over and have come up with a game plan....I hope it works. I have decided that I will go into the mountains for a week or so to clear my head and consider my options. Then I will come back and sort my remaining possessions and sell what I can, and give away what I can't. Once I am finished with that, I am outta here. I am in Washington state. So I will be making my way south to Arizona. There is a winter gathering every year for like minded people. This will be my first, so I am excited to go and meet everyone. It is also a chance to meet employers looking for work camp hosts. Which is something I am considering as employment for next year.

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